Make a Wish
2021.12. 20
Guinsa is the headquarters of the Cheontae school of Korean Buddhism. Since It is located in the heart of mountain, steep and narrow valley the place is not easily accessible. Visitors have to go through the zigzag Sobeak Mountains drive path and also 20 minutes of hike is necessarily required to get to the front welcoming gate. Despite of hard accessibility, approximately 300,000 number of people visit Guinsa Temple each year to make a wish. Everyone including myself whom went to Guinsa leave at least one mark as mean to represent for their hopes.
People come and leave something at Guinsa.
Artist’s pattern were recreated by those objects which stand for people’ hope.
What people left at temple Guinsa are the people’ traces and wishes at the same time. Artist carefully observed these objects including stone tower, melted candles and lamps, and cooperated them to create a pattern.
Woven fabrics were created on Dobby Loom